Category: Work

Moving Day

I moved to a new cubicle today.  The move wasn’t supposed to be until Friday, but since the cubicles we’re moving to are ready, I decided to get it over with. Another team is expanding and they wanted to keep them all in the same location, so we got booted out.  I spent three years

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Let the Jokes Begin

This morning, I came in to work to find a small gift on my desk.  Because of an important software release, we’re celebrating today.  We’re getting new (very red) shirts.  They’re feeding us lunch.  It’s a decent day. The gift on my desk: a USB mini-vacuum. Let the jokes begin.

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Difficult Week

This very difficult week is finally over. I’ve been under quite a bit of pressure at work. I mentioned in an earlier blog post that my product had gone Beta. Little did I know that there would be two more “refreshes” of this beta before it became official. So I was rushing to get a

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My product has officially (as of a few minutes ago) gone Beta. What does that mean? Well, we’re a step closer to release, but the next while will be full of very intense 2-week bug fixing cycles. It’s always nice to reach a milestone though.

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New Boss

On Monday, I was told I would be reporting to a different manager. My former manager is still around.  There were no layoffs or anything like that.  My former manager just had absolutely too much to do, so they moved three of his people (including me) to a different manager. I’m not exactly sure what

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