
My blog is turning into a journal of medical horrors. But that’s the only really interesting thing going on right now, so here we go. Yesterday, I went in for the MR-Arthrogram. It wasn’t as bad as I made it sound in my previous post. It was worse. The first worse part? The cost. My

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Update to the Shoulder Update

I’m tired.  I’m really REALLY tired.  Every afternoon I start falling asleep at my desk.  I’m having trouble concentrating.  The reason that I’m so tired?  I haven’t had an uninterrupted night’s sleep since JULY.  Every night I wake up multiple times because of shoulder pain. I’m tired of being tired. I’m tired enough that I

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Shoulder Update

My shoulder still hurts. A lot. Enough to go see a doctor about it today.  They took x-rays, and everything appears to be looking pretty normal.  There is a little thickening of the acromion.  The acromion/clavicle joint might be a little tiny bit wide.  There are some tiny bone spurs, but nothing that should be

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A Trust Issue

Last week, I was able to spend a few days at Flaming Gorge with both of my sons.  It was the only “high adventure” camp that I was able to attend with both of my sons.  We had a really good time.  We floated a bit of the Green River on rubber rafts.  We toured

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I Fixed It!

Yesterday afternoon, things started getting warm at my house. I thought it might have been an afternoon of baking.  I made a couple of loaves of French bread and a pan of lasagna.  I even used the broiler in my oven to make some of the French bread into garlic bread.  So I thought that

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This morning, as I drove in to work, I heard another radio advertisement for a local spa/hot tub company.  They recently had a huge “Memorial Day Sell” and talked about how much money one might save “…after mell-in rebate.” I don’t think lazy/mispronounced vowels bothered me as much before I learned to speak Dutch.  After

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This Math Hertz

During the planning phases of a trip, I was in the process of reserving a rental car.  We recently had some repairs done to our Subaru Outback, and the only company in town that had an economy car available was Hertz. At the end of that rental, we had a “scratch-off” card that was supposed

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Street People

On Sunday night, I flew to San Francisco to attend a technical conference.  I arrived rather late and rode BART into the downtown area.  From there, I had a 10-ish minute walk to my hotel. Maybe I just haven’t been in the right (or wrong?) parts of Salt Lake late at night, but it’s pretty

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Still Here

I’m still here…but barely. It’s been a crazy few weeks.  Why? Older son graduates High School in a couple of weeks.  He also turns 18 around that same time.  So we have been working on getting his Eagle Scout Rank application done.  He finished all of the requirements.  The paperwork associated with the Eagle Scout

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Easter Miracles

A friend that I grew up with–a rather squirrely young man at the time–has grown up to be a loving, kind father of six children. On Friday, his 12-year-old daughter, through a terrible accident, was deprived of oxygen for a time and was being cared for in a pediatric ICU.  Early the following morning, his daughter

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