Twelve Blogs of Christmas

Many people participate in NaBloPoMo in November.  I’ve thought about it in the past, but I never decided to join in, because blog posting, to me, is a time to just put down in writing what is happening in the moment, when, and IF, I feel like doing so.  Having the pressure of creating a new blog entry every day gives me writer’s block like nothing else I have ever tried.  So in the end, I don’t do it.

This year, though, I’m going to create twelve blogs for Christmas.  They likely won’t have much to do with anything mentioned in the related song, but they will all have something to do with Christmas.  I may share some of my favorite Christmas stories, both religious and secular.  I may have some fun things for you to do.  I may create some posts myself, but most of them will likely be the work of others.

What I am hoping to do is to share with you a bit of Christmas cheer.

Starting tomorrow and continuing every day up to and including Christmas Day, I will post a new Christmas-related entry.

Merry Christmas from Mr. Me.

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