A Book Quiz

From both Miss Giggles (or would that be Mrs. Giggles now?) and The Book Guardian:

  1. What are at least 2 of your favorite genres?  I’ve been enjoying historical fiction lately.  I also like action and some fantasy.
  2. What is your least favorite genre?  Romance, though I’ve never read a romance novel, so I can’t be sure.
  3. What is your all-time favorite book?  I’m really not sure.  J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit is way up there, but mostly for sentimental reasons.
  4. What is the first book you remember reading?  I remember sitting in my kindergarten class during play time, surrounded by 5 or 6 other kids and I was reading Harry the Dirty Dog to them.
  5. Do you prefer books or audio books?  Definitely books.  I’ve never actually listened to an audio book.  I don’t want someone else’s voice interpreting what I’m reading.  I’ll let the voices in my head to the interpretations.
  6. Who are your favorite authors?  J.R.R. Tolkien, Douglas Adams, Robert Jordan, Tom Clancy, Scott Adams…  I can’t think of very many favorites right now.
  7. How many books do you read in a year?  A couple dozen, maybe more.
  8. Do you buy books or borrow them from the library? Both.
  9. How many books do you own?  A couple hundred probably.
  10. What is your most prized book?  A bible I purchased in The Netherlands with Rembrandt illustrations.
  11. What are the worst books you have ever read (or tried to read)?  None that are memorable.  If I don’t like it, I just drop it and find something else.  There’s too much good stuff out there to waste reading time on the bad.
  12. Have you read any modern day sequels you liked?  I don’t know what exactly is meant by “modern day sequels.”
  13. What is your favorite quote from a book?  “Let’s think the unthinkable, let’s do the undoable, let’s prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.” —Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency.
  14. Who is your all-time favorite male character?  Zaphod Beeblebrox  “It is said that his birth was marked by earthquakes, tidal waves, tornadoes, firestorms, the explosion of three neighbouring stars, and, shortly afterwards, by the issuing of over six and three quarter million writs for damages from all of the major landowners in his Galactic sector.  However, the only person by whom this is said is Beeblebrox himself, and there are several possible theories to explain this.
  15. Who is your all-time favorite female character?  Eowyn.  “I am not a serving-woman.  I can ride and wield blade, and I do not fear either pain or death.  But I do fear to stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.”
  16. What highly recommended book have you not liked? The Secret.  It think it’s rubbish.
  17. Name a character you love to hate?  Zaphod Beeblebrox!
  18. Do you belong to a book club?  No.
  19. What was the last book you purchased?  The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan.
  20. What are you reading now? Mostly technical-type books.  I’m between library books at the moment, but we’re planning a trip back to the library on Saturday.
  21. What book made you cry the hardest?  I’m sure at some point in my childhood, one of my brothers hit me with a book and that made me cry, but I can’t remember the title.
  22. 22. What book made you laugh the most? Dogbert’s Top Secret Management Handbook by Scott Adams
  23. 23. What is your favorite children’s book (one you would choose to read to your kids)?  I recently read Alvin Mendelsohn, Boy From Mars by Daniel Manus Pinkwater to my sons.
  24. If you were to choose a book to give as a gift, what would it be? Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency.  It’s small, cheap, and HILARIOUS.
  25. List 5 books you have read more than once?  The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Harry Potter Series, Dogbert’s Top Secret Management Handbook
  26. What is your favorite book made into a movie?  Probably the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
  27. Did you like the book or movie better?  Always the book.
  28. What book would you like to see made into a movie? I’ve really never thought about that.  I don’t usually like books made into movies, so why wish for a book to be made into a move?
  29. Do you prefer hardcover or soft copy?  No preference.
  30. Do you leave the dustcover on while you are reading a book?  Yes.
  31. Where do you usually read? In a comfortable chair or laying in bed, though if I’m in bed, I tend to start drifting off to sleep.
  32. When do you usually read? Evenings and weekends, usually.
  33. Do you keep a TBR (to-be-read) list? Nope
  34. Do you usually have more than one book that you are reading at a time? No, not usually.
  35. Do you remember how you developed a love for reading? I don’t remember NOT having a love for reading, so I don’t remember developing it.

One Reply to “A Book Quiz”

  1. I go by Princess Giggles in some circles now. :)

    I’m amazed at how many people I know list a favorite book that I immediately think, “Ug! If I never read that book again in my life I’ll be just fine.” And yet I like them as a person. :)

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