Why I Love My Family

Well, this is one of the MANY reasons…

Yesterday, my son sponsored a blood drive for the American Red Cross.  My cousin, Glen, was one of the non-donors because he served a mission in Great Britain, and there’s a little problem over there–a brain-wasting disease known as Mad Cow Disease.

Glen’s sister, Rachel, DID come and donate, and I asked her to give Glen a hard time–call him an angry bovine or something to that effect.  What follows is the text message “conversation” that ensued:

Glen:  Mmmoooo……

Me:  Hmm… Not convincing.  Moo at me again, but this time, with more sagacious afflundency.  Aaaaaand… ACTION!!

OOOOOOO…………….. Wait…

Glen:  What’s my motivation?

Me:  You’re mad because they selected the lamb and the pig to go into Donner Kebab instead of the cow.  Thus the whole ‘Mad Cow’ thing.

Aaaaaaaand… Action!!

Glen:  One second while I get into character.

Glen:  The nostrils flare, steam emitting from them, the nose ring glistens from the setting sun, the eyes barely open held closed by fits of rage……

Glen:  With a guttral sound that would scare a Harley Davidson rider …  m…m..m.mmmMMrMmmMMMROOOROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAHHHHHHH

Me: I’m SO going to blog this.

See?  My family is hilarious.

* Glen would like to thank the British Farmer for the disease, the British Government for allowing the conditions for the disease, the Red Cross for rejecting him, and James for having an Eagle Project.

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