Medical Costs

Today, I finally received the Explanation of Benefits from my insurance company for the bill that they received from the Surgical Center.

Holy for the love of freaking buckets and stuff!!!

Billed amount:  $13,663.76

Network Discount: $3,921.50

So this basically means that the surgical center got paid $9,742.26 for my shoulder surgery.  I think I’m going to ask for an itemized bill, because I’m really curious now what I got for the $10k.

If I didn’t have insurance, so far, this shoulder injury would have cost me nearly $20,000.   This shoulder injury has cost the LDS Church nearly $4000, because I have now hit my out-of-pocket maximum of $4000 for the year and we didn’t have many medical expenses before this.  Fortunately, it won’t cost any more THIS year, because I have hit the out of pocket maximum, so physical therapy will be “free” for me.  My primary insurance will pay out at 100%.

Hopefully, most of the PT will be before the end of the year because after 1 January, Church Activity Medical Assistance will have to pay for the first $3000 of the physical therapy since we’re going to be doing the high deductible insurance plan again next year.

In other news, I quit wearing my sling this week.  It’s now been more than six weeks since the surgery.  My shoulder aches a lot more because it doesn’t have the support and because I’m doing stretches to help increase range of motion.

I’m sleeping better.  As a matter of fact, this morning, after waking up just before 6am, I went right back to sleep and slept well enough to DREAM.  It’s the first dream I remember since surgery.

And today, I felt ALMOST rested!

2 Replies to “Medical Costs”

  1. Gotta love insurance. I used to just trust that the doctor’s office was billing everything correctly. I’ve learned that isn’t always the case and as a result we have multiple EOBs for certain visits until they get it right. Paper trails are awesome! Or not.

  2. Oh yeah. I have had to have them re-bill a couple of things to get it right. It’s nice to have a wife that works in medical billing.

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