Category: General


Everyone told me that after shoulder surgery, physical therapy really sucks.  They were neither kidding nor exaggerating. It’s really bad. The glenoid labrum, the part of my shoulder that they repaired, is usually pretty flexible and moves a bit when the shoulder moves.  But when the labrum has ben re-attached, it doesn’t flex very well.

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Ready For Assignment

Yesterday, my son’s mission call status was updated to “Ready For Assignment.” Once a week, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles reviews new missionary applications and makes missionary assignments.  This usually happens on Fridays, but it can happen on other days of the week as well. I often wondered about how this

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Now the waiting begins. My son has finished the process of submitting mission “papers” and now we wait to find out where he will be serving his mission for the next two years.  We will find out when he will be starting his full-time missionary service.  We will find out if he will be learning

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Medical Costs

Today, I finally received the Explanation of Benefits from my insurance company for the bill that they received from the Surgical Center. Holy for the love of freaking buckets and stuff!!! Billed amount:  $13,663.76 Network Discount: $3,921.50 So this basically means that the surgical center got paid $9,742.26 for my shoulder surgery.  I think I’m

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This Changes Everything

Today, in the first session of the LDS Church’s Semiannual General Conference, President Thomas S. Monson announced that young men can be recommended for Missionary Service at the age of 18. I don’t remember much else from the Saturday Morning session, because everything in my older son’s life suddenly changed. He was going to be

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A Trust Issue

Last week, I was able to spend a few days at Flaming Gorge with both of my sons.  It was the only “high adventure” camp that I was able to attend with both of my sons.  We had a really good time.  We floated a bit of the Green River on rubber rafts.  We toured

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This morning, as I drove in to work, I heard another radio advertisement for a local spa/hot tub company.  They recently had a huge “Memorial Day Sell” and talked about how much money one might save “…after mell-in rebate.” I don’t think lazy/mispronounced vowels bothered me as much before I learned to speak Dutch.  After

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This Math Hertz

During the planning phases of a trip, I was in the process of reserving a rental car.  We recently had some repairs done to our Subaru Outback, and the only company in town that had an economy car available was Hertz. At the end of that rental, we had a “scratch-off” card that was supposed

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Street People

On Sunday night, I flew to San Francisco to attend a technical conference.  I arrived rather late and rode BART into the downtown area.  From there, I had a 10-ish minute walk to my hotel. Maybe I just haven’t been in the right (or wrong?) parts of Salt Lake late at night, but it’s pretty

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